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Please email us at bullandthistlepub.reservations@gmail and include the following information so that we may confirm the purchase and remaining balance:

  • Gift card number (this will be a 16-digit number starting with 8627, on the back of the card)

  • Copy of receipt (if you don't have a copy of your receipt, please tell us the approx. date of purchase so that we can research/find it)

  • Name and mailing address of the purchaser so that we know whom to refund and where to send it.




Courthouse Square - Gainesboro Historic District
102 S. Main Street, Gainesboro, TN 38562

(931) 268-7170

The Bull & Thistle Pub, located on the Square in the heart of historic Gainesboro, Tennessee, was an experiment in joy that arose from an unshakeable belief that Gainesboro is a special place full of wonderful people and wonderful history, abounding with deep traditions and authentic architecture, all worthy of preserving.


In 2013, when the Bull first opened its doors, only a few businesses were our neighbors on the Square. Now Gainesboro thrives with restaurants, cafes, boutiques, home decor, artisanal goods, an art museum, live music venues, a thriving Chamber, and so much more. This has been the work of no one person or business - it has been the work of many, many dedicated folks, some who have lived here all their lives, and others who have chosen to make their lives here. All have worked together, and continue to work together, out of a love for Gainesboro and a love for each other.


THIS IS A COMMUNITY and our doors are open in welcome. Yes, we are aware that stereotypes of old bigotries and exclusions can be persistent - and we are aware that even now, there are those who would intentionally perpetuate those stereotypes. But we've said it before, and we'll say it again: NOT HERE.


So if you are considering Gainesboro as the place to start a business, or make a home, and are wondering if you will be welcome, please know: If you are someone who welcomes others, we will surely welcome you!


The Bull closed its doors on December 22nd. But the best analogy for our building is a chrysalis. It will be wrapped in a cocoon for a short while - and then will emerge as something even more magnificent.


All our love to our friends and neighbors in Gainesboro and Jackson County! All our support and faith, always.  Thank you for all our years here on the Square. We will always have your backs, and you will always have our hearts!


May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back,
and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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